Sophia offre une version studio de Bad Man

Robin Proper-Sheppard par Philip LethenOn fit un bond de quinze mètres quand nous vîmes  la mention « New Recordings » en en-tête de la dernière newsletter de Sophia. On crut à un titre neuf, mais il s’agit en fait d’une version studio d’un morceau figurant sur De Nachten, album live paru en 2001.

Le lauréat 2016 de notre Top albums vient donc de donner Bad Man, une des chansons que Robin Proper-Sheppard et son groupe ont enregistré au cours de la dernière tournée, celle qui les mena au Mans en octobre dernier.

Sophia mettra en route une nouvelle tournée européenne début mars. Si celle-ci ne prévoit pas de nouvelles dates en France, elle devrait réjouir les fans nordiques, belges, suisses et allemands.

Si vous n’avez pas reçu le petit mot de Robin, en voici l’introduction un tantinet politique :

Dearest everyone!

So. Wow. Has it really been almost a year since my last email/newsletter? God how time flies. Honestly it seems like yesterday. To think that at this time last year I was just finishing up Unknown Harbours and Europe was still pre-Brexit (what happened there?) and, even more disheartening, the world was still in that self-assured pre-Trump “That’s ridiculous. It’ll never happen!” utopia… Then again was it ever Utopia? Well no it wasn’t but in hindsight it sure as heck felt a lot better than where we’re at now, right? But let’s just try and stay aware and stay focused on what we feel is right and true and hopefully, hopefully, we’ll be able to see this through.

So hang in there folks. And no not just you over there in the States. That’s right. We see this lunacy just about everywhere in the world right now and we just have to keep our heads and try to affect change where and when we can, OK? Don’t let the powers-that-be continue to be the power without questioning their motives. We all know there are politicians that work for the people and then there are some that work for their people and now, more than ever, we ‘The People’ have to try and stay as vigilant as possible and help keep a look out for each other. It really is our only way forward… (Uh. Hmm. Sorry for that semi-political outburst. Don’t know where that came from?!)

Bad Man est donc disponible gratuitement sur le profil Bandcamp de Sophia.

Photo : Robin Proper-Sheppard par Philip Lethen.

Sophia – Bad Man (live) – De Nachten

Sophia - Bad Man lyrics
you shine so bright you’re blinding us all
sometimes I wish I could just switch you off
with god as my witness and hell in my head
I’ll never forget the things that you said
like I’m a bad man
and I should suffer day by day
well I’m a bad man
just like you said x 4
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