On ne fit connaissance que très récemment avec Zola Mennenöh, musicienne allemande qui sortira un premier album début novembre.
La jeune femme dévoile petit à petit cet opus baptisé Longing for Belonging et qui sera défendu par Figureight Records. Après le superbe I will always be yours forever, voici I disappeared under the sea, chanson tout aussi délicate, portée par un piano furtif et que l’artiste présente ainsi :
« In this piece, we worked with surrender and breath. Those two life-giving forces became central in the process on both conceptual and performative level. We dived deep into internal landscapes of disappearance, under the edges of water and under shadows. What does it take to be born? What does it take to be reborn?
I disappeared. There is freedom and life in surrender, especially into one’s own shadows. What does it take to surrender? What is the place of submission into one’s own shadowed ocean? The solitude of this experience sounds loud here. The shadow is dark, endless. The light in the darkness is pitching, almost blinding. To know the darkness, to have been there means knowing the light. The tightly bound light and shadow become a visual cradle in this journey.«
Longing for Belonging sort le 13 novembre.
Le clip illustrant le morceau est l’œuvre de Malwa Grabowska aka Hipermania, vidéaste et photographe polonaise vivant actuellement à Copenhague.